Our trusted and valued friend . . . . . the Hughes family.

Created by Edward 3 years ago

Memories are easily made with a  friend like David; he was a trusted, loyal, fun loving and loved friend for many years to my parents, Ted and Clarice Hughes (both now deceased) and the whole of the family. Indeed David and my Dad shared a life-long career in the coal board and often reminisced at either of the two watering holes in local village. We were all honoured when David read the eulogy at my Dad's funeral service held at St Michael and all Saints Church in the parish of Appleby Magna. My sister, Janet held a soft-spot for David as she was inexplicably amused by his surname and their friendship continued until very recently by post; my sister lives in Provence, France and she regularly made little 'craft pieces' and sent to him. He had an insatiable interest in life and a proper gentleman who will be so missed.

From Eddy Hughes. On behalf of Mark, Janet, Graham and others...